Platinum Partnership Application

Platinum Partnership Application
Question 1 of 10.
What was the reason you first became interested in trading?
1. Create a better quality of life for myself &/or my family
2. Increase my income to be able to enjoy the finer things in life.
3. Free up time to be able to spend more of it doing things that are meaningful to me.
4. Acquire more authority over my life, rather than feeling like someone else (boss or other) is setting the guidelines with how I should live & act in my life and/or workplace.
5. All of the above.
Question 2 of 10.
What is your level of trading experience?
1. Some experience (1 year +) in the markets but brand new to Pro Trader.
2. Less than 3 months with Pro Trader
3. 3-12 months with Pro Trader
4. 12+ months with Pro Trader
Question 3 of 10.
Have you ever made a 5% (or more) return within one calendar month?
1. Yes
2. No
3. I'm not sure
4. I'm not live trading yet
Question 4 of 10.
Have you attended one or more Daily Power Hour events live?
1. Yes
2. No
Question 5 of 10.
Are you currently, or have you ever traded a "live account" worth more than $3,000 USD?
1. Yes
2. No
Question 6 of 10.
What is the ideal outcome you would like to achieve with your Platinum Partnership?
Question 7 of 10.
Ensuring you remain on track with achieving your goal, there is an 80% minimum attendance to the Monthly Accountability Sessions. Can you commit to attending those each month for the next 12 months?
1. Yes
2. No
3. I'm not sure yet
Question 8 of 10.
Select ALL Pro Trader Curriculums that you have completed at least 50% of
1. Essentials
2. Ultimate
3. Playbook
4. MTF Mastery
Question 9 of 10.
Due to the personalized hands on support, spaces are limited & I want to work with people motivated to turn their dreams into reality. Why do you think you are a great candidate for the Platinum Partnership?
Question 10 of 10.
The program costs $4,995 USD. Would you be able to make the payment in full before enrollments close on 1st July?
1. Yes
2. No
3. I'm not sure
Please attempt all questions

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